This article delves into the intricacies of pseudotensor analysis, focusing on the derivation of Synge and Fock pseudotensors and their comparison with the Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor. It underscores the differences in the derivation approaches between Synge and Landau-Lifshitz, particularly highlighting the use of covariant derivatives and the simplification of the Riemann tensor. The author further explores the symmetries of the tensors involved and the implications these have on the derived pseudotensors. The article concludes with a comparative analysis of the canonical forms of the Synge and Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensors, noting the differences in terms and signs.
28 August 2022
09 August 2020
Proof of a tensor trace inequality using Frobenius norm
The text is a formal proof of an inequality involving Frobenius norm, which is a matrix norm defined as the square root of the sum of the absolute squares of its elements. The inequality states that the product of two tensors is greater than or equal to one-third times the square of their trace. The proof uses matrix notation and properties, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for Frobenius inner product, and operator norms induced by vector norms. The proof is detailed and rigorous, and provides references and explanations for each step. The text also gives some examples and applications of the inequality in physics and geometry.
The inequality in question is
28 February 2012
Landau-Lifshitz stress-energy pseudotensor
This Mathematica notebook explains the derivation of the Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor, a mathematical object used to describe the energy and momentum of a gravitational field in general relativity. Although not a true tensor, as it depends on the choice of coordinates and cannot be localized, the pseudotensor has useful properties such as being symmetric, having zero divergence in flat spacetime, and being conserved in asymptotically flat spacetime. The concept of the stress-energy-momentum (SEM) tensor is introduced, which is a true tensor that combines energy, mass, momentum, and their fluxes and stresses. Derived from the action principle, the SEM tensor satisfies conservation law in flat spacetime. However, in curved spacetime, it is not conserved due to the presence of a gravitational field. A pseudotensor that locally has zero divergence is then found and corrected for curvature effects. The pseudotensor can be obtained in terms of second derivatives of the metric tensor, which characterizes the geometry of spacetime. It is constructed from the Einstein tensor, related to the Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar, which are in turn related to the Riemann tensor containing all information about spacetime curvature. A computer algebra system called xTensor is used to perform calculations and simplify expressions. Another way to obtain the pseudotensor is in terms of first derivatives of the metric tensor. This form is more convenient for some applications such as calculating gravitational radiation emitted by a system. The pseudotensor can also be obtained in terms of first derivatives of the metric density, a modified version of the metric tensor that includes a factor of